Sunday, October 3, 2010

Want to help organize?

As I said in my first post, I'm hoping that the autism community in this area can once again become organized, or at least that we can create a central, free, easy-to-find place where people can get at least a few answers and or a little direction.

In the past there was a local chapter of the Autism Society of America that met periodically at the hospital.  Because I work at Peter White Public Library, it would be no trouble for me to set up a room and a time for a first meeting there.  Probably wouldn't be hard to call the hospital on this either.  Maybe we could get a meeting place by contacting Great Start.  Other ideas?  Times that are good or bad?

I'm going to start trying to get the word out that this blog exists and see what kind of response it generates.  Please leave a comment to show your interest.  You don't need to identify yourself.


  1. This is a great idea Ellen. Let me know what I can do to help.

  2. Thanks, Pam. I think the next step is to just get the word out. I
    sent the URL for this blog to you other moms first, but I think the next step is to send
    it to the professionals I know. I'm going to make some pocket-sized
    fliers with the blog URL so they can be handed out.

    I've been saying I wanted to get a group going for a few months now,
    and this blog just seemed like a good way to ease into it. Start some

  3. Great Idea Ellen,, I have been attempting to get something going in the gwinn schools systems,, I know if you contact Maresa they be on board to help as well,


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