Sometimes it is difficult for families with special needs children to attend movies together. Thomas Theater in Marquette has started a program they call Special Showings for Special People that serves
families and individuals with special needs such as autism or other challenges, who seldom attend movies.
These sensory-friendly showings feature open captioning, lower sound and the lights turned up to encourage families with children who need accommodations to share the experience of seeing features at a theatre.
Next Special Showing is scheduled for:
Saturday, January 31, 2015
10:00 AM.
Thomas Theater’s Marquette Cinema
They hope is to do these on, at least, a quarterly basis for now. They will be doing e-mail blasts for these events and posting them on their Facebook page as well as their web site.
Contact Thomas Theatre Group at (906) 774-5404 with questions or for more information.
I checked their website tonight and couldn't find any additional information. They did have a spot where you can sign up to have their newsletter emailed to you, so I did that and will post again if I can figure out what movie they'll be showing.