Sunday, May 15, 2011

Minutes for May 15th meeting

There were six people at today's meeting, three returning parents, including myself, and three new people:  two friends came together, both with grandson's on the spectrum, and one friend of mine with a six year old son on the spectrum. 

I can't say as the meeting ever actually got down to business.  Other than the business that is the main point of being a support group, which is people shared their experiences, concerns and successes. We talked about sensory issues with clothes, weighted vests, educating our kids' classmates, the Brain Balance program and handling meltdowns, among other topics.

There are a few things out on the table that I figure I'll bring up here.  One is the idea of sensory friendly films.  This idea was raised at the last meeting.  As anyone who subscribes to the Autism the Society of America newsletter knows, major theaters in large cities are starting to offer special screenings of children's movies that are sensory friendly-- some houselights on so it's not as dark, volume turned down so as not to overwhelm.  I've asked around at Peter White to see if others would support such an offering there and the answer is yes!  Only, not till the Summer Reading Programing is over, which means late August or September.  If you have any thoughts or ideas for this program, please send them my way. 

Another idea out there is to have a summer time family gathering sponsored by the group:  a picnic!  If this sounds like fun to you, please let me know what day/time of day, choice of park and other ideas you have.

I've also tried to poll people for meeting times for the summer months as the library will be closed on Sundays between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  As it seems that people still want to meet and more seem to prefer weekends to weekdays, that leaves Saturday.  Let's try Saturday June 25, 10:15 am.

Respectfully submitted by Ellen.  Additions and corrections are always welcome.

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