Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Annual StART conference May 3, scholarships available for families

 I've never been to this conference, but have wanted to go.  It's a decent deal even if you don't get a scholarship-- $30 for parents and no travel costs as the whole conference is virtual due to the lingering pandemic.  

Emily Rubin, one of this year's keynote speakers, helped develop the SCERTS model with Barry Prizant.  (Barry Prizant wrote one of my all-time favorite books about Autism:  Uniquely Human.)

The other key-note speaker is a behaviorist, Gregory Hanley.  I found an article published in January 2021 that he wrote that gives A Perspective on Today's ABA.  It's interesting, apologetic, but not yet ready to let go. 

Here are some links if you are interested: 

Conference Info


SCERTS model

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